Saturday, May 26, 2018

Lessons from "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

I recently finished reading "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki.
It is a great book to read if you are a teenager or just starting your career.

Robert emphasized on following life principles in his book :

1) Don't blame your employer/job for your miseries. The problem as well as the solution lies within you.

2) Always focus on learning new skills.

3) Money is not that important initially in your career, learning is.

4) Always focus on building assets. Get the assets which can generate cashflow for you.

5) Rich people get richer because their money works for them. Poor people work for money.

6) Invest Invest Invest.

7) A stable job will not make you rich. You get rich by investing in income generating assets.

8) Save yourself from income tax whenever possible.

9) Always keep your accountant/broker/lawyer happy.

10) Surround yourself with intelligent people. 

11) Keep on learning throughout your life.

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