Saturday, April 6, 2013

Best passages from books ..

I receive daily emails from which sends me passages from books, although I am not an avid reader but I enjoy reading these mails as some of the passages are really interesting, some examples :

Author: John Toland   
Title: Adolf Hitler

at the age of twenty, in Vienna, with both parents dead and his meager  inheritance dwindling, Adolf Hitler resorts to begging for money:

"By  late fall he had sold most of his clothes, including his black winter  overcoat, and so the snow and cold drove him to further humiliation.  Huddled in a light jacket late one afternoon just before Christmas, he  trudged all the way to Meidling in the outskirts of town. It took two  and a half hours to reach his destination, the Asyl fur Obdachlose,  a shelter for the destitute, and by the time he arrived be was  exhausted, his feet sore. Run by a philanthropic society whose principal  supporter was the Epstein family, it was originally constructed in 1870  and had been extensively rebuilt and reopened the year before. ...

"On  that cold December evening Hitler lined up with the other shivering,  dejected ones outside the main gate of the Asyl. At last the door opened  and the mob of homeless quietly filed in to be segregated by sex, with  children accompanying mothers. Hitler got a card entitling him to a  week's lodging, and an assignment to one of the large dormitories. To a  young man who cherished privacy it must have been a harrowing  experience. First he had to endure the humiliation of showering in  public and having his bug-ridden clothes disinfected; then his group was  trooped like prison inmates to the main dining hall for soup and bread.

"It  would be difficult for anyone but another recipient of  institutionalized charity to understand the shame suffered by a proud  young man on his first day within the gates of such an establishment.  Entrance into an institution like the Asyl with its efficiency and  protectiveness marks an irrevocable enrollment into the bottom rank of  the destitute. ...

"A wandering servant in a nearby cot took  charge of Hitler. He showed him the ropes: to stay at the Asyl more than  the prescribed week, for example, one had only to buy for a few kreuzer  the unused portions of admittance cards of those leaving. The servant -  his name was Reinhold Hanisch - also had dreams of being an artist and  was impressed by Adolf's facile talk. Hitler, in turn, was fascinated by  the tales that Hanisch, who had spent several years in Berlin, spun  about Germany. ...

"More important, Hanisch taught his student  that to survive a winter in the lower depths not a step must be wasted  nor an opportunity lost: on mornings they left the Asyl - Adolf in his  threadbare jacket, 'blue and frostbitten ' - early enough to negotiate  the long walk to 'Kathie's' in time for soup; then to a warming room or a  hospital for several hours' protection from the bitter cold and a  little soup, and back to the Asyl at dusk just as the gate opened. In  between the major stops they would occasionally earn a few kreuzer by  shoveling snow or carrying baggage at the Westbahnhof. But Hitler was  too weak for much physical labor; every step on his sore feet was  painful. Once there was a call for ditchdiggers and Hitler wondered if  be should apply. Hanisch advised him to forget it. 'If you begin such  bard work it is very difficult to climb up.'

"Adolf tried his  luck at begging. But he had neither the talent nor the gall for  panhandling and became a client of a comrade at the Asyl who made a  living by selling addresses of those who were 'soft touches.' Hitler  agreed to split the proceeds fifty-fifty and set off with not only the  addresses but specific instruc- tions for each customer; for example, he  was to greet an old lady on the Schottenring with a 'Praised be Jesus  Christ,' and then say he was an unemployed church painter or a  woodcutter of holy figures. Usually she gave two kronen for such a  story, but Hitler only got religious platitudes for his trouble. He had  similar bad luck with the other prospects and he again turned to the  Church, where he got three meat patties and one kronen from the Mother  Superior by greeting her with a 'Praised be Jesus Christ,' along with a  reference to the St. Vincent Association."

Author: Graham P. Collins and Chris Quigg   
Title: 'The Discovery Machine' and 'The Coming Revolutions in Particle Physics'

"You could think of it as the biggest most powerful microscope in the  history of science. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), now being completed  underneath a circle of countryside and villages a short drive from  Geneva, will peer into the physics of the shortest distances (down to a nano-nanometer)  and the highest energies ever probed. For a decade or more, particle  physicists have been eagerly awaiting a chance to explore that domain,  sometimes called the terascale because of the energy range involved: a  trillion electron volts or 1 TeV. ...

"To break into the new  territory that is the terascale, the LHC's basic parameters outdo those  of previous colliders in almost every respect. It starts by producing  proton beams of far higher energies than ever before. Its nearly 7,000  magnets, chilled by liquid helium to less than two kelvins to make them  superconducting, will steer and focus two beams of protons traveling  within a millionth of a percent of the speed of light. ... The protons  will ... produce more than 600 million particle collisions every second.  ... The nearly 100 million channels of data streaming from each of the  two largest detectors would fill 100,000 CDs every second, enough to  produce a stack to the moon in six months.

"When physicists are  forced to give a single-word answer to the question of why we are  building the LHC we usually reply 'Higgs.' The Higgs particle -- the  [until recently] last remaining undiscovered piece of our current theory  of matter -- is the marquee attraction. ... The new collider provides  the greatest leap in capability of any instrument in the history of  particle physics. ... The search for the Higgs particle is a pivotal  step, but only the first step. Beyond it lie phenomena that may clarify  why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces of nature, and that  could reveal what the unknown dark matter that fills the universe is.  Even deeper lies the prospect of insights into the different forms of  matter, the unity of outwardly distinct particle categories, and the  nature of spacetime.' "

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